8 Arm Assistance
Euro Scientist - The Science and Ethics of Turning Octopuses into Lab Rats'
Euro Scientist - The Science and Ethics of Turning Octopuses into Lab Rats'
A squid whisperer might be about to help revolutionize experimental biology. Bret Grasse is one of the most renowned keepers and breeders of cephalopods, a group of animals that includes squid, cuttlefish and octopus, and his expert knowledge of these creatures may soon help biologists open up a whole new avenue of research...
NPR - Octopuses' Big Brains And Unique Behavior Spur Basic Research
NPR - Octopuses' Big Brains And Unique Behavior Spur Basic Research
At the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Mass., there's a room filled with burbling aquariums. A lot of them have lids weighed down with big rocks. ...Grasse's part of a team that's trying to figure out the best ways to raise these sea creatures in captivity, so that scientists can investigate their genes and learn the secrets of their strange, almost alien ways.
A World First - MBL Team Births Multiple Generations of Pygmy Zebra Octopus
A World First - MBL Team Births Multiple Generations of Pygmy Zebra Octopus
Hundreds of tiny, orange-speckled pygmy zebra octopuses, each no bigger than a grain of rice, have safely hatched out in the MBL’s Marine Resources Center. And Bret Grasse, Manager of Cephalopod Operations, couldn’t be more proud....
WIRED - Absurd Creature of the Week: Cross-Dressing Cuttlefish Puts on World’s Most Spectacular Light Show
WIRED - Absurd Creature of the Week: Cross-Dressing Cuttlefish Puts on World’s Most Spectacular Light Show
Cuttlefish are far and away nature’s most adept camouflagers, capable of observing their surroundings and perfectly adjusting not only their color but also their skin texture in just 250 milliseconds. ..They can also launch truly bizarre displays of rippling colors to either intimidate rivals or hypnotize prey. Oh, also. They’re color blind. Yeah … scientists aren’t quite sure how that’s possible quite yet
Research Gate - The Biological Characteristics, Life Cycle, and System Design for the Flamboyant and Paintpot Cuttlefish, Metasepia sp., Cultured Through Multiple Generations
Research Gate - The Biological Characteristics, Life Cycle, and System Design for the Flamboyant and Paintpot Cuttlefish, Metasepia sp., Cultured Through Multiple Generations
Metasepia is a genus of small cuttlefish found in the Pacific Ocean. They are characterized by several definitive traits. The cuttlebones of this genus are small and diamond or rhomboidal shaped. Cuttlebones are also typically...
Advances in Cephalopod Science: Biology, Ecology, Cultivation, and Fisheries (coauthor)
Advances in Cephalopod Science: Biology, Ecology, Cultivation, and Fisheries (coauthor)
Marine Biology series-addresses major themes of growing research interest in the field of cephalopod research. The book is composed of four chapters incorporating the latest advances in biology, ecology, life cycles, cultivation, and fisheries of cephalopods. Each chapter is written by a team of internationally recognized authorities to reflect recent findings and understanding....
The Falmouth Enterprise - A Home For Cephalopods At MBL
The Falmouth Enterprise - A Home For Cephalopods At MBL
The California two-spot octopus was anticipating dinner last week. Its tentacles spread out, and the two spots on either side of its body that give the animal its name darkened. Bret Grasse, the manager of cephalopod operation at the Marine Biological Laboratory where the octopus resides, described this as common behavior when someone approaches the tank...
Quebec Science Magazine - Octopus, squid and cuttlefish to ​replace the mouse in the lab?
Quebec Science Magazine - Octopus, squid and cuttlefish to ​replace the mouse in the lab?
Bret Grasse, in charge of cephalopod operations at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL), in Woods Hole, southwest of Cape Cod, has been on a mission since 2017: he cultivates seven species of octopus, cuttlefish and squid with the aim of making them available to researchers of the whole world....
NPR Cape Cod and The Islands - Prince Albert II Monaco Visits MBL, Woods Hole.
NPR Cape Cod and The Islands - Prince Albert II Monaco Visits MBL, Woods Hole.
Prince Albert II of Monaco visited Woods Hole on Monday, and met with scientists at the Marine Biological Laboratory. He also announced that his foundation, the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, will be supporting research at MBL for the first time. ...After going out on one of MBL’s research boats, The Gemma, Prince Albert II peered into tanks, and even – at the invitation of Bret Grasse, manager of cephalopod research at MBL – fed an octopus.
TENTACLE FESTIVAL 2017 WITH BRET GRASSE; Lembeh Resort, Lembeh Indonesia
TENTACLE FESTIVAL 2017 WITH BRET GRASSE; Lembeh Resort, Lembeh Indonesia
The Lembeh resort, Lembeh Indonesia, held it's first ever "Tentacles Festival" and invited cephalopod expert, Bret Grasse, to spend a week providing lectures to guests on everything cephalopod while diving and observing these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat....
The lesser Pacific striped octopus, Octopus chierchiae: an emerging laboratory model for the study of octopuses
The lesser Pacific striped octopus, Octopus chierchiae: an emerging laboratory model for the study of octopuses
Cephalopods have the potential to become useful experimental models in various fields of science, particularly in neuroscience, physiology, and behavior. Here we describe the biology, animal care, and culture methods for this tiny octopus species uniquely suited for research.